My Storey

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It's a privilege to say that you have found your calling. My calling is in Human Resources. Specifically, my calling is recruiting. Apparently I enjoy selling and recruiting is about selling the candidate to the manager and selling the organization to the candidate. My professional history has included 27 years in healthcare of which 23 are in HR/Recruitment. I currently serve as a Recruitment Consultant for Jobscience, Inc. a Recruitment Solutions provider out of San Francisco, CA.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Blogging Recruits and Retains

Ok, so I'm doing my daily reading today and came across a request for "ninja bloggers". These are recruiters that use Web 2.0 technology for recruitment and retention. So I thought to myself could blogging really help recruit and retain? Well, I suppose if a recruiter starts a blog (like me) and maintains an active list of qualified people who actually want to read it. Once they swallow the hiring hook then you could use the same blog to get people excited about where you work to stay excited. Yes, I believe it could work.

Now, the question begs, how does any recruiter really have time to produce a blog that is worth reading? You need to commit to producing this blog on a weekly basis, at least. What kinds of things do you talk about? Perhaps, why you fell in love with your job and what makes you happy about working there. No crap though! How about some good community news or real customer testamonials. Where do you get this kind of information? duh, Marketing.

Here's how I would start. Just do it. Maybe use a newsletter to get people interested. With all the Talent Aquisition Systems out there surely they can provide you with a list of your applicant's email addresses to start with. What about your employees? Don't they have email address you can collect. Look, they can always unsubscribe if they want to.

Blogs don't have to be fancy. They just have to be a good read and provide information that makes you stop and think. Kinda like the "ninja blogger" article I read today.

1 comment:

Stories Sell said...

Hi Jackie. Great Start to your Recruiting Blog! I subscribe to Google Alerts for News and Blogs about Recruiting, and your Blog showed up in my Inbox this morning! Congratulations, and best wishes for success in your Blogging efforts. ~Harvey Clay. Please check my Recruiting Blog at: