My Storey

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It's a privilege to say that you have found your calling. My calling is in Human Resources. Specifically, my calling is recruiting. Apparently I enjoy selling and recruiting is about selling the candidate to the manager and selling the organization to the candidate. My professional history has included 27 years in healthcare of which 23 are in HR/Recruitment. I currently serve as a Recruitment Consultant for Jobscience, Inc. a Recruitment Solutions provider out of San Francisco, CA.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Real Recruitment is Real Costly and Real Time Consuming

Wow, I've been totally out of touch for the past 8 days while on site with a client.  We are installing a new recruitment solution in their system.  It never ceases to amaze me the dollars that are being spent on recruitment.  As I call company after company everyone wants to spend money on some gadget they think will help them recruit.

But it takes more than the next shiney gadget to recruit effectively.  You need to be a relationship builder, a person who listens to the needs and wants of the customer (both of them).  Even learning the correct way to present offers or proposals to prospects (oh sorry, potential clients/employees) is a tricky navigation.

Do you have a standard presentation memorized?  Do you have different ways to present it depending on the audience?  Sometimes my head is exploding trying keep it all straight.  

So sorry for no words of wisdom tonight... Hopefully I'll have my brain back on Monday.  Until then, take care.

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